Sıvı Mikro Elementler / Sıvı Deniz Yosunu
About Product : Foliar Ocean is a natural organic sea kelp fertilizer consisting with cytokine, betaine, auxin, gibberellin, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and variety of nutrition elements. Foliar Ocean increases the produce of sugars, proteins and organic acids that is necessary for a plants development. With the cytokine in its content, it encourages effects of cell activities and protein synthesis. It increases the root and capillary roots development, which causes a healthier plant development. Foliar Ocean is systematic and gets absorbed by the plant very fast. Doesn’t pollute, it is not fetotoxic.
Guaranteed Content
% w/w
Organic Matter
Alginic Acid
WaterSoluble Potassium Oxide(K2O)
6 – 8
Maximum EC (ds/m)
Application Methods and Dosages • Vegetables; 0,5– 1 L / da 100 Lt (Drip Irrigation Application)
• Vegetables; 200 - 250 cc / da / 100 Lt Water (Foliar Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 0,5 - 1L / da / (Drip Irrigation Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 0,5 - 1L / da (Flooding Irrigation Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 200 - 250cc / da / 100 Lt Water (Foliar Application)
(It is advised to use fertilizer after soil and/or foliar analysis. Stated usage dosages are average dosages according to analysis results which are done by our company. It can be different according to soil structure. For best usage dosages, consult our company or nearest dealer.) PACKING TYPES: 1 L (1,15Kg) – 5L (5,75 Kg) – 20 L (23Kg)