Liquid Micro Elements
About Product FOLIAMEL CUMAZINC COBRE, supplies crops with systemic copper and other micro-elements and increasesplant resistance against to bacterial and fungal diseases.Copper is essential for several plant enzyme systems related to photosynthesis. It is part of the chloroplast protein plastocyanin, which is part of the electron transport chain. Copper has a function in the synthesis and/or stability of chlorophyll and other plant pigments.Copper-deficient leaves curl and their petioles bend down. Copper deficiency can show as a light overall chlorosis, combined with the irreversible loss of tension in the younger leaves. Freshly matured leaves have netted, green veins. Some areas can bleach to a pale grey. Leaves can also develop sunken necrotic spots and bend down. Trees that suffer from chronic copper deficiency develop a rosette (circular) shape. The leaves are small and chlorotic with spots of necrosis.FOLIAMEL CUMAZINC COBRE provides an excelent plant height balance if applied at plant seedling and later stages. İt increases the yield by providing healthy growth stages, activates plant self-defense system and causes ignification movements.
Guaranteed Content
% w/w
Water Soluble Copper (Cu)
Water Soluble Manganese (Mn)
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)
Application Methods and Dosages • Vegetables; 0,5-1 Lt / da (Drip Irrigation Application)
• Vegetables; 100-300 cc / da / 100 Lt Water (Foliar Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 0,5-1 Lt / da (Drip Irrigation Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 0,5-1,5 Lt / da (Flooding Irrigation Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 100-300 cc / da / 100 Lt Water (Foliar Application)
• Bitkilerin Kök Boğazına Yapılacak Uygulamalarda; 250 cc / 100 Lt su
(It is advised to use fertilizer after soil and/or foliar analysis. Stated usage dosages are avarage dosages according to analysis results which are done by our company. It can be different according to soil structure. For best usage dosages, consult our company or nearest dealer.) PACKING TYPES : 1LT(1,2KG)